
Candy Heart Filter

Create a seasonal AR filter highlighting Snapchatโ€™s hand tracking feature with cheeky and cute candy hearts. Filter will be showcased on Snap Camera.




Scan on Snapchat to Unlock Filter

Scan on Snapchat to Unlock Filter


Sketch Development

Hand activates sparkle animation

Hand activates sparkle animation

Heart candy grows and scales to center of screen

Heart candy grows and scales to center of screen

A time based filter with a budding rose crown that will be  in full bloom over the course of an hour

A time based filter with a budding rose crown that will be
in full bloom over the course of an hour

Digital Mockup

Screen Shot 2020-02-17 at 6.21.44 PM.png

Candy Writing

Screen Shot 2020-02-17 at 6.22.25 PM.png